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The CBC's Six Word Memoir Tag

     This post is a part of The Chennai Bloggers Club SIX WORD MEMOIR TAG , where we bloggers try to define ourselves or our life in six words (Quite interesting right ?). The best part of this is that the baton passes from one writer to another. The baton was passed to me by Pallavi Subramanian  , who is an excellent fiction writer in all forms.

     Moving on, it has really been very difficult to define my self in six-Words , yet I have given this my best shot to put forward my life in six words, so here it goes

Euthanasia [ MERCY KILLING ]

     Before I start this poem, I would wanna add a quote said by Martin Luther King --> " No one is truly free to live, until one is free to die"


There I see him lay, awake and still,
Tacit and secluded, staring at window sill.
Impassive for years, with an Illness,
Which never decided to leave his body axis.
His Drugs were out of action,
Unplayable expenses was a caution.
His cries and mourn were rife ,
Pleading and attempting to end his life.

Soon, There was a meeting,
To euthanize him, was the magisterial granting.
Sending him to his death bed,
with a dreamless sleep that lulls the dead.
The duty was rendered to me,
My soul wasn't ready to agree.
Abashed, if this was the right option here,
For a life was ought to disappear.

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