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To begin, let me introduce you to Arun Jaykaran (AKA- AJ Karan). A consultant to the Hotel Industries AJ Karan has had a passion for writing from his early days in the hotel industry, its only now after retiring from a full time job in the hotel industry, that he decided to publish his work that he had treasured in him for long. This book "Sensual Attractions" is his debut novel and it has all that is needed to make it to the best sellers list.

Designed by the publication house, the cover of this book looks really looks good as it portrays a bit of lust in the eyes of the lady, which goes apt with the stories inside.
Published by Story Mirror publication house, this 189 pages book has 10 short stories that deal with suspense, passion and most importantly sensual attractions. The book costs around 225 rupees and is available at leading online stores and books stores around the country.

The book begins with a strict warning "For readers above the age of 18" and it stands applicable for all the 10 chapters in the book. The 10 chapters in the book are all well penned, with well defined characters that exist in the society around today. Dealing with love, lust, betrayal, revenge, politics, personal benefits, friendship, love triangles and other emotions, this book, with multiple chapters goes deep into the psychological insight of the minds of the characters and brings our the dark side of reality. Chapter 3 - "Corporate Espionage" was my personal favorite, the way author managed to keep the twist till the end and used the characters very well till the end.  Other chapters/ short stories like "Emotional Conflict", "Love Jeopardy", "Friendship Pact"etc were equally well written and had enough strength to keep the reader glued till the climax (of the story).

The book is definately fast paced, gripping and definitely un-put-downable. The plot seemed so well planned with a limited character that were really well defined adding on to some wonderful narration that makes you get involved in the book. I personally started imagining about the characters even after the story was over, such was the impact of the story.

4/ 5 


Sensual Attractions is one of those special books that could just make your day. If you are some one who loves romance genre and are on a lookout for a different type of romance/ attractions, with enough content, wildness and twist to keep you hooked till the end it has to be "Sensual Attractions" by AJ karan.

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