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    For every young student entering the field of health care profession its a dream to do something large that could well define their name globally. There were many like me chasing their ambitions as they joined college. Some wanted to be a clinical expert, some wanted to be surgeons, some wanted to be specialists while some spoke about being super specialists. I did have my mind focused towards research, but was looking for that one special moment that could give me a start. In this blogpost I share with you the look up moment that gave my career a take off in research.

    It was the beginning of my pre-final year in college and I was busily occupied with out patient postings and ward posting. But amidst all these moments came an idea to do a simple research project. When I shared the idea of doing a project with my friends, none came forward to support cause they couldn't afford doing over time or missing ward round participation for a project. I decided to go ahead and speak with the chief of General Medicine, who was generous enough to guide me and give me suggestions from time to time. Though she remained busy almost all the time, it was up to me to learn things on my own. I did learn to draft a research protocol and study design on my own. I approached the institutional ethical committee and got the approval to go ahead with this.

    It wasn't easy, it took months of hard work, a collection of sleepless nights browsing through research guidelines, research data management and statistical analysis. There were moments where I had to face disappointment and failure along the path. I learnt a lot from it and moved ahead inch by inch.  I somehow managed to complete the study on time and collect enough patient sample data in accordance to my study. It took an extra month after that to complete the write up and finish all the statistical data analysis. I was encouraged by my guide to publish this research work in an international journal. I had to work towards it and send the write up to the journal which got accepted on 2nd November 2013 following an initial rejection and was later published on 1st Jan 2014.

    In between the acceptance and publication, I had a chance to present my research paper at a national conference in Ottapalam, Kerala. Where I received my first award for the best research paper. It was a take off from there, the following year I completed another paper and shifted my focus towards oncology, where I again won the best paper award for defining new therapeutic strategies. Things have been going much better from there. I see my self wanting to get into clinical research and do a whole lot of clinical trials once I graduate in 2016. This was my career defining moment, which I'm sure is going to highlight my resume and help me settle down without much difficulty.

This blog post is a part of #LOOKUP Stories campaign by indiblogger.

LOOKUP is a new real estate company with an ambition to revolutionize the real estate field driven by their 10x mantra that’ll leave you free to focus on your life, your loved ones, the things that matter most. Their logo self defines look up to your future without any worries. And so, It's time we look up to our future.

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